Benefits of SLB

Additional Income
Generate additional income for idle portfolio by participating in stock lending and borrowing.

Multiple Stocks
Plethora of stock options are available allowing easy securities lending and borrowing.

Enables Short Sell
Short Sell by borrowing the stocks and benefit during market downturn

No counter party risk
NCL (NSE Clearing Limited) act as an financial guarantor for the SLB, hence the risk is cover by them.

How to get the Privilege?

To Apply Offline: Download & fill in the form and submit it to your nearest HDFC securities branch or send it to our Operations Team's address mentioned in the application form. Click here to download form.

To Apply Online: Click here

Stock Lending And Borrowing Mechanism #FaydeKeFeatures
Stock Lending And Borrowing Mechanism | #FaydeKeFeatures Did you know – Idle stocks in your portfolio can earn for you? Yes, it can. By lending your long-term stocks for a stipulated time. It's possible through Securities Lending and Borrowing. Click here to know more.
How many stocks are eligible for SLB segment?

The List of stocks on SLB platform are decided by exchange, please Click Here to know the list of stocks

How can I register as a participant in SLB?
An existing trading account holder of HDFC Securities Limited can avail the SLB privilege by clicking on the below link:- enter credentials and uploading required documents or By signing physical copy application from
How shall I quote the lending fee?

Lending fee is quoted on per share basis. You can base your lending fee for securities lending on the annualized yield you expect or the cost which your borrower expect to pay. For e.g., if you are lending shares for a period of 180 days, you could quote the securities lending fee per share based on the rate of return which you expect.

What is the difference between Series (A) and (B) under SLB?

Series (A) are the contract that will be foreclosed in the event of AGM/EGM.

Series (B) are the contract that will not be foreclosed in the event of AGM/EGM.