International Diversification
Diversify country risk from your portfolio by diversifying geographically
Diversify country risk from your portfolio by diversifying geographically
Possible benefit from combined effect of USD appreciation and price appreciation
Set and achieve investment goals in US dollars such as retirement corpus, education fund, or a dream vacation
Model portfolios based on focused themes or diverse asset exposure
Moat contains a curated list of companies with deep business moats and leading market shares in their respective sub-sectors.
SAAS Vest curates companies with Software as a Service (SaaS) business model, which derive the majority of their revenue from business-oriented software products.
Sign up using email or social sign-in
Sign up on HSL with any of the sign-up methods provided. This includes sign up with email, Google, or Apple
Submit Your Address Proof and ID Proof
Complete KYC in minutes with our fully digital and streamlined Journey
Choose from a range of funding methods
Add USD to your account using integrations with banks such as HDFC, Axis and others, or from international banks, or using proceeds from ESOP/RSU
Are you an investor looking to diversify your portfolio and explore new opportunities? Investing in U.S stocks from India can offer a range of benefits that may appeal to you.
By understanding these processes and requirements upfront, Indian investors can navigate the complexities of investing in U.S stocks more effectively.
Investing in U.S stocks from India offers exciting opportunities, but it's crucial to be aware of the risks and challenges that come with it. One of the main risks is currency exchange fluctuations, as changes in the value of the Indian rupee against the U.S dollar can impact your investment returns.
Another challenge is navigating through different tax regulations and requirements in both countries, which can sometimes be complex and time-consuming to understand. Moreover, geopolitical events or economic policies in either country can also affect stock prices unpredictably.
Furthermore, investing in foreign markets comes with inherent market risk due to factors such as volatility and potential lack of familiarity with specific U.S companies. It's essential for Indian investors to conduct thorough research and stay informed about global economic trends to mitigate these risks effectively.
A government issued ID, a local tax ID, and proof of address are required for opening an account for Global Investing
For Indian investors, PAN and Aadhaar will be needed for account opening.