Documents Required
- Our Account Opening form (3in1 Investment account) – Bank + Demat + Trading account.
- Common KYC for Individual account opening (Demat and Trading)
- Non-Mandatory Rights & Obligations as applicable.
- Demat Debit & Pledge Instructions (DDPI) (required in case clients want to avail online trading facility).
- Depository Services (Combined registration form for net banking / DP @ net facility
- Extended KYC Annexure - Individual (Individual sole proprietors) - Applicable for Resident and Non Resident Customer
- MOST IMPORTANT : Name of account holder or any related/ nominee person with Pan number provided – Name should match the Income Tax site to process the application
Name, PAN and DOB mentioned on the AOF should match with Income Tax data base.
Name of the applicant between AOF/PAN/ID & Address Proof /FATCA/Income Tax Site should be consistent.
Self-attested clear readable copy of PAN and Proof of Identity & Proof of Address to be submitted.
Original seen & verification stamp by the Bank Staff to be affixed on PAN card copy, Proof of Identity and Proof of Address copy.
In case the photo on POI copy is not clear, alternate self-attested ID proof to be provided.
Photograph affixed and signed across such that part of signature is on the photo and part is on form.
Photo affixed on account opening form are verified with OVD provided.
Address mentioned on the KYC is verified with address provided on documents.
Client signature is matched with signature on PAN copy or other alternate OVD proof (in case of signature mismatch – Signature mismatch declaration duly signed by the Bank official is taken)
In case of Company / HUF stamp required on the all the signatures.
HUF declaration to be filled in case HUF account only.
Aadhar Consent letter required, if Aadhar card copy is provided as supporting document.
Documents collected for Resident account:
PAN is mandatory, but no longer an Official Valid Document (OVD) as Proof of Identity
1) Self-attested copy of PAN card and Original Seen and Verified (OSV) must be done
2) Officially Valid Documents (OVDs) under terms of Rule 2 (d) of Prevention of Money-Laundering (Maintenance of Records) Rules, 2005 (PML Rules) are as and Proof of Address (POA): List of documents admissible as Proof of Address:
(*Documents having an expiry date should be valid on the date of submission.) listed below
1. Passport
2. Driving Licence
3. Proof of possession of Aadhar number
4. Voter's Identity Card
5. NREGA Job Card duly signed by an officer of the State Government
6. Letter issued by National Population Register containing demographic details
7. Any other document as notified by the Central Government in consultation with the regulator
For NRI, apart from the above additionally required mandatory documents:
Passport (Indian/Foreign Passport)
Valid Visa – Work/Student/employment/resident permit etc.
PIO/OCI Card (mandatory in case of foreign passport)
CDC Card (in case of seafarers) issued by Govt. of India, exit and entry stamp required for not more than 6 months old.
Foreign address is mandatory to be mentioned in the AOF
In case of non -face to face NRI account opening, all the KYC documents must be attested by any one of the below mentioned authorities:
- Notary Public
- Local bank (Name, Designation, Employee code and bank seal must be affixed on all copies)
- Court Magistrate / judge
- Indian Embassy/Consulate General
If any proof of identity or address is in a foreign language, then translation into English is required Name & address of the applicant mentioned on the KYC form, should match with the documentary proof submitted.
Accounts are not opened for countries in high risk FATF list.
- Self-Attested and OSV done copy of PAN Card - Karta and HUF (attested by Karta)
- Self-Attested and OSV done copy of Address Proof - Karta and HUF (attested by Karta)
- Bank passbook/bank statement in the name of HUF - (Address proof of HUF)
- Photograph, POA (OVD), PAN of Karta.
- OVD documents (i.e.- Aadhar card, Driving License, Voter ID card, Passport copy, Job card issued by NREGA etc.) containing address of Karta are required.
- Photograph of Karta to be affixed on Account opening form page no. 2 and Karta's signature under rubber seal of HUF required across the photograph of Karta.
- If Aadhar card copy is submitted for Karta, then Aadhar consent declaration is required.
- Signature of Karta to be affix throughout the AOF under rubber stamp of HUF
- Deed of declaration of HUF/ List of coparceners.
Corporate accounts:
- Self-Attested copy of PAN Card - Company, Authorised signatories, Two Directors / Whole time Directors and Promoters.
- Board Resolution required on the Letter Head of the Company to open the DEMAT account / investment in securities with HDFC Bank Ltd in the name of the “COMPANY” with Name of Authorized signatory / ies, Designation, Specimen Signature and Mode of Operation (either Singly or Jointly ). The same needs to be signed by minimum two Directors/ MD/CS
- List of authorised signatories with photographs and specimen signatures duly certified by authorised signatories
- Copies of Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association and Certificate of Incorporation duly certified by Authorised signatories.
- Copy of the balance sheets + Profit & Loss for the last 2 financial years (to be submitted every year)
- Copy of latest share holding pattern including list of all those holding control, either directly or indirectly, in the company in terms of SEBI takeover Regulations, duly certified by the company secretary/Whole time director/MD (to be submitted every year)
- Latest photograph of two Directors / whole time Directors to be affix on Account opening form
- Latest photograph of all individual Promoters to be affix on Account opening form
- In case there are no individual promoters in the company, then declaration signed by Authorised signatories on the company letter head required to that effect.
- Beneficial Owner Declaration (Annexure I) duly filled & signed
- Copy of PAN and Address Proof of share Holders/beneficial Owners (natural persons) holding more than 10% of shareholding/capital/profits in the company. Details to be mentioned in Annexure-I attached. (Not applicable for Limited Companies listed in stock Exchanges in India).
In case a corporate is Holding more than 10% interest in the company then ultimate owners' (Natural Persons) details of that corporate to be obtained along with their Proof of Identity and Address. - FATCA Annexure for Entities duly filled & signed
- Form 32 with ROC Acknowledgement required in case if the name of directors is not reflecting in the AOA (MCA site printout (signed by Authorised signatories) confirming name of the Directors can also be accepted if Form 32 is not available)
- If Aadhar card copy is/are submitted for any individual, then Aadhar consent declaration is/are required.
- GST Registration number of customer need to be mention in Account opening form page no. 3 in the specified field. (optional)
- OVD documents (i.e.- Aadhar card, Driving License, Voter ID card, Passport copy, Job card issued by NREGA etc.) containing address of Authorised signatories and Beneficiaries are required.
- CKYC annexure require if old corporate form submitted ( CKYC details in build in new corporate AOF)
- List of Directors - need to be duly certified by authorized signatories, It should match with MCA site - ( -> MCA Services -> Master Data -> Master Data Services V3)
Additional requirement for HSL account:
- In case name of directors differs from the name in Memorandum and articles of association of the company, then submit form 32.
- Net Banking Board Resolution.
- DDPI duly signed by the Authorised signatory (authorized for share trading).
- Annexure I
- Enabling clause (permitting the company to invest/trade in shares and securities) in the MOA / partnership Deed / Trust Deed to be highlighted/ticked
Partnership Firm Accounts:
- In case of partnership firm, demat account will be opened in the name of partners and PAN of Partnership Firm will be updated in the system. The account type will be Individual ordinary Resident.
- Use LATEST Non-Individual AOF for opening Partnership Account. ONLY Registered Partnership Trading account will be opened.
Mode of operation should be jointly by all if account is being opened in more than one partner name. - KYC Form - Part 1
- Self-Attested copy of PAN Card - All Partners and Partnership Firm (attested by Partners)
- Self-Attested copy of Address Proof - All Partners and Partnership Firm (attested by Partners)
- Certificate of registration for registered partnership firms
- Certified true copy of PARTNERSHIP DEED (attested by Partners)
- Copy of Audited Balance sheets + Profit & Loss for the last two financial years of Partnership Firm
- List of Authorised signatories with specimen signatures and photograph
- List of present partners of the Partnership Firm, any changes then Amendment Deed required.
- Latest photograph of all partners to be affixed on Account opening form and partner's signature required across the photograph of all partners.
- NOC from partners for opening account in the name of particular partners (ONLY when account is not opened in name of ALL partners)
- Declaration required as per NSDL format - Refer Annexure-II
- Beneficial Owner Declaration (Annexure I) duly filled & signed. In case a Corporate is partner in the firm and is holding more than 10% interest in the Firm then ultimate beneficial owner (Natural Persons) details of the corporate to be obtained along with their Proof of Identity and Address
- FATCA Annexure for entities duly filled & signed
- OVD documents (i.e.- Aadhar card, Driving License, Voter ID card, Passport copy, Job card issued by NREGA etc.) containing address of Authorised signatories and Beneficiaries are required.
- OVD documents (i.e.- Aadhar card, Driving License, Voter ID card, Passport copy, Job card issued by NREGA etc.) containing address of Authorised signatories and Beneficiaries are required.
- CKYC annexure require if old corporate form submitted ( CKYC details in build in new corporate AOF)
- If Aadhar card copy is/are submitted for any individual, then Aadhar consent declaration is/are required
Additional requirement for HSL account:
- Investment clause need to be Highlighted
- Enabling clause (permitting the company to invest/trade in shares and securities) in the MOA / partnership Deed / Trust Deed to be highlighted/ticked
Following documents required on Partnership firm letter head:
1. Letter of Authorization
2. Annex I - Details of Beneficial require More than 10 % -Annexure I sec-II (For beneficial owner declaration - Share holding Pattern)
3. If Balance sheet and P&L not available due to newly formed partnership, provide declaration on letter head - signed by partners.
Trust accounts
Trading account is not open for unregistered Trust & in case of Family Trust, it should be registered with sub registrar.
- Trust Deed and Registration certificate is Compulsory.
- KYC Form - Part 1
- Self-Attested copy of PAN Card + Address proof - All Trustees, Authorised signatories and Trust
- Trust Resolution required on the Letter Head of the Trust passed by Board of Trustees to open the Demat account with HDFC Bank Ltd in the name of the “Trust” with Name of Trustees, Designation, Specimen Signature and Mode of Operation (either singly or jointly). A clause for Investment in securities market to be mentioned in the trust resolution.
- List of authorised signatories with photographs and specimen signatures required certified by Board of trustees.
- List of Trustees duly certified by Managing Trustees / CA required
- Certified true copy of TRUST DEED/DEED OF VARIATION (in case of changes in Trust deed) required.
- Copy of the balance sheets AND P&L for the last 2 financial years (to be submitted every year)
- Latest photograph of all Trustees to be affix on Account opening form
- Beneficial Owner Declaration (Annexure I) duly filled & signed
- Copy of PAN and Address Proof of settlers, protectors & beneficiaries with more than 10% or more interest in the trust required. Details to be mentioned in the Annexure-I attached. In case a corporate is Holding more than 10% interest in the Trust then ultimate owners' (Natural Persons) details in that corporate to be obtained along with their Proof of Identity and Address
- FATCA Annexure for Entities duly filled & signed
- If Aadhar card copy is/are submitted for any individual, then Aadhar consent declaration is/are required
- GST Registration number of customer need to be mention in Account opening form page no. 3 in the specified field. (optional)
- OVD documents (i.e.- Aadhar card, Driving License, Voter ID card, Passport copy, Job card issued by NREGA etc.) containing address of Authorised signatories and Beneficiaries are required.
- CKYC annexure require if old corporate form submitted ( CKYC details in build in new corporate AOF)
- Trust Deed must have a clause to invest in share and stocks. Resolution of Trustees for opening of Trading Account and approving participation in equity / derivatives / debt trading through HDFC Securities Ltd. and naming Authorised person dealing in securities is required-Format attached the same needs to be signed by minimum two trustee
- If letter Head is computer generated then Trust Round stamp is required
- Trading BR on letterhead as per format provided. To be signed by two trustees.
Additional requirement for HSL account:
Trading BR on letterhead as per format provided. To be signed by two trustees.
AOF and Application form to be signed under the Rubber seal of the TRUST
In case of any further queries, please feel to contact our Customer Care desk at OR call on 022-62465555.