Power Grid successfully bids for three transmission projects under TBCB,
Power Grid Corporation of India has been declared as successful bidder under Tariff Based Competitive Bidding for the following three (03) projects to establish Inter-State Transmission System under Build, Own Operate and Transfer (BOOT) basis: 1. Transmission system for evacuation of power from Rajasthan REZ Ph-V (Part-1: 4 GW) [Sirohi/Nagaur] Complex:The project comprises augmentation of transformation capacity at under construction Sirohi substation in the State of Rajasthan. The project also comprises 765kV D/C Transmission Lines traversing in the States of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. 2. Augmentation of transformation capacity at Banaskantha (Raghanesda) PS (GIS): The project comprises ICT augmentation works at existing Banaskantha (Raghanesda) PS (GIS) in the State of Gujarat. 3. Transmission System for Integration of Kurnool-IV REZ - Phase-I (for 4.5 GW):The project comprises establishment of new 765 / 400 / 220kV Kurnool IV Pooling Sub-Station and augmentation of transformation capacity at existing C`peta Substation in the State of Andhra Pradesh. The project also comprises 765kV and 400kV D/C Transmission Lines traversing in the States of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. Powered by Capital Market - Live News
Board of Power Grid Corporation of India recommends Second Interim dividend,
Power Grid Corporation of India announced that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on 3 February 2025, inter alia, have recommended the Second Interim dividend of Rs 3.25 per equity Share (i.e. 32.5%) , subject to the approval of the shareholders.Powered by Capital Market - Live News
Power Grid Corporation of India consolidated net profit declines 4.14% in the December 2024 quarter,
Net profit of Power Grid Corporation of India declined 4.14% to Rs 3861.63 crore in the quarter ended December 2024 as against Rs 4028.25 crore during the previous quarter ended December 2023. Sales declined 2.74% to Rs 11233.03 crore in the quarter ended December 2024 as against Rs 11549.79 crore during the previous quarter ended December 2023. ParticularsQuarter EndedDec. 2024Dec. 2023% Var. Sales11233.0311549.79 -3 OPM %84.8688.10 - PBDT8167.988109.23 1 PBT4951.794815.77 3 NP3861.634028.25 -4 Powered by Capital Market - Live News
Power Grid Corporation of India to conduct board meeting,
Power Grid Corporation of India will hold a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company on 3 February 2025.Powered by Capital Market - Live News
Kudankulam JSTS Transmission transfers to Power Grid,
Kudankulam JSTS Transmission (wholly owned subsidiary of PFC Consulting (a wholly owned subsidiary of Power Finance ) has been transferred to Power Grid Corporation of India (successful bidder). Kudankulam ISTS Transmission has been established for the development of Transmission System under ISTS for evacuation of power from Kudankulam Unit - 3 & 4 (2x 1000 MW).Powered by Capital Market - Live News
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