Equity Derivatives
Equity Derivatives are instruments whose values are partly derived from one or more underlying equity asset class. Futures and Options are the most commonly-traded equity derivatives products. You can engage in equity derivatives trading to hedge risks associated with long or short positions, or to speculate on the price movements of stocks or indices.
Derivatives are financial instruments without any independent value. Their value is derived from underlying assets such as index, stock, commodities bullion or currency. For example, a derivative of ITC share will derive its value from the share price (current market price) of ITC. In derivatives trading, the contract is traded and not the underlying asset.
What are the different types of derivatives?
Futures: In futures trading, it is the owner responsibility to buy or sell a contract at a pre-defined time and price. Here, there are standard conditions to follow.
Forward: It is the owner’s responsibility to buy or sell a contract at a pre-defined time and price. However, it the conditions...
How do Futures Contract work?
Futures Contract is a contract to buy or sell pre-defined quantities of an instrument at a specified price and time.
Future contract has standardised conditions such as price, quantity and time.
The owner of the contract has the obligation to buy or sell in future.
Price is determined by supply and...
Terminologies used in Futures
Spot Price: the trading price of the asset in the spot market.
Future price: the price of future contracts in futures market.
Contract Cycle: Validity period for trading in contracts.
Contract Size: Amount of the asset to be delivered in specified time.
Expiry date: The date on which validity of con...