Invest a Lump-Sum
Trivia: The best time for a lump-sum investment in a mutual fund is when the market or the NAV is close to its year’s low

Large Cap Funds

BSL Front line Equity
Risk :
Low Risk
1 Year Return (%) :
3 Year Return (%) :
5 Year Return % :
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Be it seasoned investors or individuals just starting their investment journey, having an idea about what type and frequency of investment best suits their needs is very vital. This is where a lump sum return calculator comes in! The purpose of this calculator is to help you calculate the returns you could receive if you are investing an amount in a scheme of your choice, at an assumed compounded rate, for a desired period. You can calculate the amount that you would need to invest in the Mutual Fund scheme of your choice and suiting your risk appetite, by using a lump sum investment calculator. A lump sum investment return calculator is the best financial tool for users who are looking to plan their finances for the future by making a one-time investment based on the kind of returns they could receive from their investment. Best lump sum investment is the one that helps the investor in planning their personal finances and achieving their goals in the desired time-frame. This lump sum calculator is for illustration purposes and to demonstrate to investors what their investment returns could be like if they would invest in lumpsum, towards prospective schemes of their choosing. This calculation is generated purely on the basis of the information which is provided by the users. The results that are generated by the lump sum return calculator shall not be construed as current/future returns or as a reference of the same, for any of the investments made by the investor from HDFC securities platforms. This lumpsum calculator does not warrant 100% accuracy or completeness with respect to the figures calculated based on inputs from users and the user will be fully responsible/liable for the decision taken basis the calculations of this calculator. Users are advised to consult his/her professional tax and/or financial consultant before making any investment decision. It gives you a projected value for an invested sum of money in a specific time frame. The projected amount is calculated based on the style of investment you opt for. Projection calculations are assumed at a pretax rate of 12.5% p.a. for conservative; 14.5% p.a. for moderate and 17% p.a. for aggressive investments. The allocation is equal over the categories.

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