Kotak Bluechip Fund (G)
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Investors can choose from multiple schemes depending on nature of job, level of expense and risk appetite. The monthly salary calculator can be an additional source of income for those who don’t have fixed monthly income. The monthly income calculator also displays schemes dedicated to retirees. Retirees can choose the schemes displayed under the monthly salary calculator for an additional source of income. The gross monthly income calculator takes into account your risk profile and provides options accordingly. Conservative Investors can use the monthly salary calculator to compute total required income. Moderate-risk investors whose jobs are of near-salaried nature or are dependent on other incomes (such as leasing out real estate or other assets) can also use the monthly salary calculator. A gross monthly income calculator enables them to tolerate some level of risk while investing. A gross income calculator provides investment options such as Systematic Withdrawal Plans, Mutual Fund dividends, Equity dividends and Corporate Deposits. Please note that the investment schemes mentioned above are purely for informational basis. It is recommend that users consult their financial and wealth management consultants before making any investment decision. Projection calculations are assumed at a pretax rate of 12.5% p.a. for conservative and 14.5% p.a. for moderate investments.

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