You can place Off-market Orders from 19:00 to 21:30 (IST) & from 00:00 to 09:00 (IST). Note: Above mentioned timings may vary depending on the completion of EOD Process.

Only Limit orders can be placed in the Cash Segment, Margin Segment, Index Futures and Index Options.

Orders will be sent to the exchange when market re-opens and it will be processed in sequential manner to the Exchange basis received. If limit price is triggered when market opens the order would be executed.

You can cancel/modify your order anytime before price is triggered.

Yes customers can place off-market Buy and Sell (sell- Open position only) order under E-Margin Product.

Yes customers can place Off-Market buy order against the shares as collateral by selecting E-Margin as an order type.

Cash, Index Future and index Options.

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