Yojak’s decides to take a seminar at office on the concept of General Insurance and it’s benefits.
General insurance is a hedge against the occurrence of unforeseen events or mishaps. It helps mitigate risk by providing a financial cushion against financial contingencies in life.
There are various General Insurance policies such as:
- Motor Insurance
- Health Insurance
- Travel Insurance
- Home Insurance
- Commercial Insurance and several others
You can decide on the types of risks you wish to cover by choosing the right kind of policy with the required features.
Risk impact on your finances, your lifestyle and your future, could be huge leaving you in a financial crisis. An insurance means you are not facing these unexpected risks alone. No one can predict the future but everyone can buy protection against such uncertainties.
Finally, general Insurance is not meant to offer returns but is a protection against contingencies and these policies are terminated in case of total loss.
Yojak receives a grand applause for the informative session. His colleagues immediately log in to check for various general insurance policies.
Are you covered?