A trading account in which no trades are done across any segment of any Exchange for one year would be termed as "Inactive" or "Dormant" trading account.
For Equity segment, HDFC Securities Limited will not freeze "Dormant" trading account and customers will be allowed to trade with certain restrictions on trading limit. The trading limits can be enhanced after due authentication checks and basis the request of the customer through Relationship Manger, if any or Customer Service Executive from registered mobile number/registered email id only.
For Equity Derivatives and Currency Derivatives segment, HDFC Securities Limited will suspend the "Dormant" trading account to safeguard the interest and protect the account of the customer. The customer can get his account reactivated after due authentication checks and basis the request of the customer through Relationship manger, if any or Customer Service Executive from registered mobile number / registered email id only.
Further, any trade emanating from such trading accounts pursuant to the same being classified as "Inactive" or "Dormant" trading account would be subject to necessary due diligences and confirmations (by Email/SMS or any other mode) as HDFC Securities may deem fit.