REGISTER FOR Currency Derivatives @ Rs.2,000/-(plus GST)

Facilitator ID (For Office use only)
REGISTER FOR Currency Derivatives

Terms & Conditions :

I hereby request you to enroll me for the Training facility applicable under Training With HDFC securities Ltd in colabaration with Alphabeta for Introduction to Futures and Options.

I am fully aware that the Training facility is only an add-on service provided by HDFC securities Limited and does not constitute an offer/invitation and/or a solicitation by HDFC securities Limited to purchase/sell or otherwise deal in securities in any manner.

Any sale/purchase and/or dealing in securities will be at my sole and absolute risk for which I shall not hold HDFC securities Limited and/or any of its representatives liable for the same.

This scheme will be co-terminus with the client-member agreement, Power of Attorney. Rights and obligations executed/confirmed by me with/to HDFC securities Limited in respect of my captioned trading account.

I hereby authorize HDFC securities Ltd to debit an amount of Rs.2000/- (Excluding Service Tax) from my HDFC Bank Account No. linked to my HDFC securities trading account


- The training programme by HDFC securities Ltd. is only by way of teaching the products on a no-liability, no-guarantee and no-obligation basis. Any decision, action or omission thereon shall be entirely at the clients risk and should be based solely on the clients own verification of all relevant facts, financial and other circumstances, a proper evaluation thereof and the clients investment objectives.

- HDFC securities Ltd. makes no guarantees and/or representations as to, and shall have no liability for any such contents, communication to the client

- For detailed disclaimer kindly refer

- HDFC securities Ltd has an irrevocable right to withdraw the facility at any time without assigning any reason whatsoever. Any such withdrawal will be without any prior notice to the client.

Scheme Details:

Client subscribed to the product, will get an inbuilt training on Introduction to Futures and Options which covers topics as mentioned on the website with HDFC securities for the time period, the customer has opted for.

All applications received will be given a Link /Login ID / Password for the purpose of training.

Incase the customers fails to log in on that day & time he will not be refunded the money nor he will be given another date & time

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