How does it work

For example: If you are placing a bracket order at current market price of Rs 100 per share and one can place a stop loss sell order with trail option for Rs 93 per share, with a stop loss trigger price of Rs 95, with a book profit of Rs.110.

Rising price :Once the order is place and first leg is executed, and the market price of the stock moves to Rs 105, the stop loss also gets revised to Rs 98 and the stop loss trigger price becomes Rs 100. This stop loss price will continue to move up when the LTP of the stock keeps on increasing till it reaches Rs.110, where the book profit order gets triggered.

Falling Price : When the market price of the stock moves to Rs98, the stop loss does not get affected and stays at Rs 93. This stop loss price would not change until the market price does not move over the buy price.

Stop Loss Trigger : When the market price for the stock reaches Rs 95, which is the trigger price for the stop loss order, the stop loss order gets executed at the market price between Rs 95 and Rs 93.

Stop Loss Trigger after a price rise :The market price of the stock moves to Rs 105, then the stop loss also gets revised to Rs 98 and the stop loss trigger price becomes Rs 100. Now if the price fall to Rs.100, which is the trigger price for the stop loss order, the stop loss order gets executed at the market price between Rs 100 and Rs98.

Bracket order - help’s to limit down side and lock in your profit/loss.
A Bracket order is type of cover order wherein you can put two opposite orders from a single order panel. e.g - You may opt to place A BUY order which is bracketed by a high-side sell limit order (profit booking) and a low-side sell stop loss order. When either of the order (profit booking or stop-loss) gets executed, the other order will be cancelled. Similarly you may also place a SELL bracket order.
For which products bracket order is available

Bracket order is only available for cover product.

Is it mandatory to mention Book Profit price in Bracket Order

Yes, it is mandatory to mention a book profit price to complete the bracket order.

At what rate does the trail happen

The trail will take place at the same tick rate of the underlying stock/contract. For example: For a nifty contract, the minimum movement is 0.05, and hence, the same will be the minimum movement for the trailing stop loss.

Is bracket order available on Mobile app and ProTerminal

Bracket order is not available on Mobile app and ProTerminal as of now. However, we will soon be coming up with the order type on these platforms.

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