Happiest Minds Technologies Limited

Happiest Minds Technologies IPO

Issue Period: Monday, Sept 07 - Wednesday 09, 2020

Incorporated in 2011, Positioned as "Born Digital. Born Agile" Happiest Minds Ltd is a Bangalore based IT service provider company. The business of the company is divided into three categories ; Digital Business Service (DBS), Product Engineering Service (PES) and Infrastructure and Management Security Service ( IMSS).
The DBS unit offers digital application development & modernisation, assistance in designing & testing of operations, management of platform, consulting and domain led offerings.
PES unit helps by transforming the potential of digital by making the product secure and smart. Wherein, IMSS provides an end to end monitoring and management capability for applications and infrastructure of the clients.
It has an active customer base of 157 and has a global presence in countries like US, UK, Australia, Canada and Middle East. The business units of the company is assisted by the 3 Centres of Excellence which are Internet of Things, Analytics / Artificial
Intelligence, and Digital Process Automation.
Happiest Minds delivers services across industry sectors such as Retail, Edutech, Industrial, BFSI, Hi-Tech, Engineering R&D, Manufacturing, Travel, Media and Entertainment.

Competitive Strengths:

1. Focused on software product development
2. Strong Brand in offering Digital IT services
3. End to End digital lifecycle
4. Agile Engineering and Delivery

Company Promoters:

Mr. Ashok Soota is the promoter of the company.

Objects of the Issue:

The company proposes to utilise the Net Proceeds from the fresh issue towards funding the following objects:

1. To meet long term working capital requirement; and
2. General corporate purposes

(Read Detailed Report)

Issue Details

Happiest Minds Technologies Limited IPO- ISSUE OPENS
Monday, September 07, 2020
Happiest Minds Technologies Limited IPO- ISSUE CLOSES
Wednesday, September 09, 2020
Happiest Minds Technologies Limited IPO- ISSUE PRICE
Rs 165 - Rs 166 Per Equity Share.
Happiest Minds Technologies Limited IPO- BID LOT
90 Equity shares & multiple of 90 Equity shares thereafter.
Happiest Minds Technologies Limited IPO- IPO SIZE
Rs. 702.02 Cr
Happiest Minds Technologies Limited IPO- LISTING EXCHANGES
Happiest Minds Technologies Limited IPO- Allotment Date
Tentatively Thursday, September 17, 2020
Happiest Minds Technologies Limited IPO- Ratio
QIB 75% - Retail 10% - NIB 15%

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