Average duration of closure
__DAYS__ days with average returns of __AVGRETURN__%
__SECTOR__ | __VALUE__ |
Medium Term (3-6 mths)
Unexpected market volatility, often causes confusion when trying to determine hot stocks to invest in medium term. Our research experts go through an exhaustive set of information to offer a detailed research analysis on which stock to hold and which stock to lose.
Pick of the Week
Stay up-to-date with best stock picks based on a combination of fundamental and technical analysis including momentum plays, which can give handsome returns in the short-to-medium term.
Positional (7 days - 3 mths)
Positional calls are based on technical analysis of the stock by our research experts. The stock ideas here are based on the market movements by examining historical data, like price and volume. Our research experts analyze data & charts for trading signals and price patterns for to identify investment opportunities.
SIP Ideas
Develop customized investment strategy with our Equity SIP recommended picks. Build a long-term portfolio by investing in smaller quantity of your selected stock on a periodic basis.
Diwali Picks 2020
The year 2020 witnessed unparalleled disruptions led by Covid-19 outbreak that brought the entire value chain and economy to a grinding halt.Now as we inch closer to Diwali 2020, we have seen a steady uptick in the stock market.With this renewed light of hope, we present to you our handpicked investment ideas.
• Fundamental Large Cap Picks : Bharti Airtel, Cadila Healthcare, ICICI Bank, Infosys & United Spirits
• Fundamental Mid Cap Picks : Alembic Pharma, Credit Access Grameen, Gujarat Gas, Mphasis & Radico Khaitan Click here for Fundamental Picks report
• Technical Picks: Amara Raja Batteries, CEAT, HPCL and Axis Bank.Click here for Technical Picks report
You can also invest in our Diwali picks collection at one go via Basket Investing.
Samvat 2077: Large Cap Basket Samvat 2077: Mid Cap Basket
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