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Change -147 (-0.98%)
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- Nifty Smallcap 250
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- Nifty500 Multicap India Manufacturing 50:30:20
- Nifty500 Multicap Infrastructure 50:30:20
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Company Name |
Div/Share()# Dividends () |
1 Years Return(%) Stock Value () |
Stock Value () | Dividends () | Total Gain ()* | ||
Power Grid Corpn |
10.50 794.55 |
1.27 20,253.5 |
20,253.5 | 1,048.05 | 1,048.05 | INVEST NOW | |
14 700.63 |
3.11 20,621.06 |
20,621.06 | 1,321.69 | 1,321.69 | INVEST NOW | |
Tech Mahindra |
43 673.35 |
12.8 22,559.51 |
22,559.51 | 3,232.86 | 3,232.86 | INVEST NOW | |
8.25 511.63 |
2.91 20,582.95 |
20,582.95 | 1,094.58 | 1,094.58 | INVEST NOW | |
Tata Steel |
3.60 501.22 |
5.03 21,006.61 |
21,006.61 | 1,507.83 | 1,507.83 | INVEST NOW |
# Div/Share is the amount received as dividend for each share held in the selected time period. View More
__Name__ |
__DivperShare__ __Dividents__ |
__3yearReturn__ __stockGain__ |
__stockGain__ | __Dividents__ | __totalGain__ | INVEST NOW |
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